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pint size museums: free little art galleries

I discovered my local little art gallery at the beginning of the summer. It was delightful to scroll through the FB posts and watch the beaming faces of kids who would leave their little creations and, perhaps, also take a tiny treasure home with them.

I decided to get involved by donating the occasional miniature collage as well as my mini collage kits. The idea was to encourage kids and adults to make their own collages out of some bits of paper. No pressure, no fear and no worries. Just plain magic!

The kits are all different and have a variety of printed materials inside: origami, mulberry, tissue, cardstock, vintage and magazine bits. They are just sparks that I hoped would ignite the imagination of the folks who decide to take one home. I'm happy to say that the feedback has been really encouraging.

My local gallery is The Little Free Art Gallery located in the town of Essex, VT. It is lovingly managed by Sarah Jerger. You can find lots of information about this project on Facebook and Instagram. It is a joy to see her weekly posts. Don't miss them!

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